GSC group spa

Chemical products for the tanning industry

Chemical-physical tests on leather? A video format explains them step by step 


A series of video episodes explains the importance of chemical-physical tests in the world of leather. With a format inspired by the episode series typical of streaming platforms, the GSC Group, a leading Italian industry on the market for the supply of chemical products for the tanning sector, has opened the doors of its laboratories, sharing its knowledge of technical topics with the public. 


In fact, the project is based on the company’s activity, which in recent years has carried out more than 6,000 chemical-physical tests on leather: the videos, full of details unknown even to industry insiders, provide an understanding of the causes, procedures, and results of the tests required daily by current regulations, particularly in terms of environmental impact. 


The feedback was not long in coming. The first published series was rewarded with tens of thousands of views across all individual chapters. Three video tutorials from the first series on Fogging Test are currently available and have been well received not only because they support a market demand that needs answers to its questions in specific technical areas, but also because of the uniqueness of the format. 


«The message that we hope will be received - explains Adriano Serafini, CEO of GSC Group - is how much work and high technology is involved in the tanning industry for the formulation of chemical products and the development of eco-sustainable leathers for different sectors. Given the success beyond expectations, new episodes are on the way. Stay tuned.

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