Tacchificio Monti s.r.l.

Heels, soles, and fashion accessories for footwear

Full cycle production and a “green” soul


For 64 years, the Tacchificio Monti company has been producing heels, soles, and fashion accessories for the most prestigious international fashion houses.


With an artisan soul and an industrial capacity, the heel factory combines the quality typical of artisanship with full cycle production - from the initial design to the finishing of the moulded product - thanks to technological Industry 4.0 machinery. Having moved to modern 10,000-square-metre premises in 2019 in Marzabotto (BO), today the company continues to grow by having joined the Altofare Group.


The aim is to bring together strategic synergies and different professional skills to offer major brands a global service in the field of luxury manufacturing. With a strong “green” vocation, the company has GSR-certified production and makes use of moulding waste to produce specific lines in recycled TPU and ABS. The trigeneration plant also produces electric and thermal energy, covering the needs for the production processes and for heating and cooling the building.

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