SIAF s.r.l.

The learning Village in Tuscany

If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed If in terms of ten years, plant a tree
If in terms of 100 years, educate people.




Unique in its structure, location, and philosophy, Siaf offers innovative training solutions and a perfect container for con- ferences and events.

In addition to a customised educational offer, Siaf provides the consultancy of a team of experts for support activities. Thanks to a qualified faculty, Siaf succeeds in combining the transversal nature of the topics with the excellence of Ma- de in Italy, contextualising them, and building courses that, starting from in person classroom teaching, are reflected in the production fabric of the territories, with particular atten- tion paid to enhancing the uniqueness of the new emerging business models. This modus operandi has always cha- racterised the design of activities, especially those aimed at foreign countries, resulting in an increasing focus on and development of training courses characterised by a mix of classroom and field experience, where the creative aspect becomes decisive in the learning process.

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