Michele Matteoli

President of the Ponte a Egola Tanners' Consortium

Activities in support of companies in the Leather District

The Tanners’ Consortium plays an important role in accompanying the industrial and cultural development of its associated tanneries. We spoke with President Michele Matteoli.

What services does the Tanners’ Consortium offer its affiliates?

The services we offer our associated tanneries range from information to assistance in every field of their activity (accident prevention, hygiene, environmental regulations, research, professional training, trade fairs, contracts, chemical-ethical specifications). We also carry out routine maintenance and service activities in the industrial areas; we are the first APEA in Tuscany that has attained the ecologically equipped production area qualification. We have also achieved the APO certification (Standardized Production Area) of the Tuscan Tanning District for the diffusion of EMAS since 2010.

Is it desirable to create a single district association to cope with the effects of an ongoing crisis?

The Tanners’ Consortium has always believed in the need to set up common actions at the district level and beyond. This is demonstrated by the organization of connected or coordinated companies through which the tanners manage collective initiatives ranging from purification, to training, commercial production development, waste management, reuse of by-products, and urbanization of industrial areas. Examples of this organization include: the purification Consortia and Cuoiodepur Spa Consortium, PO.TE.CO., the Chromium Recovery Consortium, the S.G.S. Spa Consortium, the Urbanization Consortiums, and the Promotion Consortia. Over time, a District Association is certainly desirable, given that the most important issues transcend a purely local interest and regard a large-scale plan.

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