Romani Francesco

Aeraulic, vacuum, and industrial air conditioning systems 

Forward with confidence


At the end of 2021, we parted with the “Romani Francesco” company - specialised in the production and installation of industrial aeraulic systems - with satisfaction for the considerable and important investments aimed at the growth of the organization in every aspect. What about 2022? «Despite the considerable delays due to the global socio-economic context, our investments are starting to bear fruit – the company owner Francesco Romani tells us - Thanks to the new numerical control machinery, we have a direct management of the clients’ problems despite difficulties in procuring materials and the related increase in costs».


The “Romani Francesco” company is therefore equipped to keep the quality/price ratio of its services competitive on the market. «You only grow if you deal with difficulties - the owner goes on to explain – This moment in history offers no certainties, and our task is to continue guaranteeing clients the same service with the same quality». Extreme dedication and the will to move forward: the “Romani Francesco” company is ready to face 2023 with confidence. 

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