Insole srl

Production of components for footwear and more

A company that lives in the future

Since 1999, the Insole company has specialised in the production of a wide range of footwear components: from insoles for men, women, and children to removable insoles, wedges, heel cushions, insole plates, inserts, and thermoformed insoles.

The company provides a highly customised service to the big names in fashion, manufacturing ad hoc products that meet the required quality standards, without neglecting environmental protection. For many years, in fact, the company has been proposing eco-friendly and/or completely natural materials.

The Insole company's leading product has always been coconut fibre, but also agave or sisal fibre and cork. This past year, the Insole company has developed a new GAIA-purĀ® line, a polyurethane that contains up to 40% natural and environmentally sustainable raw material. 

The Insole company never stops and continues studying in order to grow progressively in this field, offering increasingly eco-friendly polyurethanes and eco-sustainable materials to its clients, trying to reconcile the eco-friendly essence of the material with high performance, only guaranteed by synthetic or traditional materials until now.

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