Thermoplastic adhesives for footwear and leather goods

Quality and innovation for high performance solutions


Founded in 1978‭, ‬the ESSEBI Italian company headed by the Sormani family‭, ‬quickly established itself in the adhesives market‭, ‬mainly in the footwear and leather goods sector‭, ‬establishing its success on innovation‭, ‬quality‭, ‬and professionalism‭.‬ The product that gave the company its impulse was thermoplastic adhesive thread‭, ‬which was soon adopted by all footwear manufacturers because of its increased production speed‭, ‬reliability‭, ‬and ease of use‭.‬


The transformation of machinery from granule to thermoplastic thread enabled the company to gain control of the domestic market‭ ‬and then expand abroad‭: ‬ESSEBI is present in more than 80‭ ‬countries‭.‬ The company is distinguished by the quality and reliability of its products and the ability to listen to the needs of the market‭ ‬by proposing solutions‭. ‬Development and research are a characteristic identity of ESSEBI‭, ‬which constantly updates its product‭ ‬range‭.


‬Today it offers‭, ‬in addition to thermoplastic adhesives in wire‭, ‬polyester and polyamide‭, ‬polyamide granules‭, ‬polyurethane granules‭, ‬PUR hot melt polyurethane‭, ‬cyanoacrylate adhesives‭, ‬silicone release agents‭, ‬nails‭, ‬strains‭, ‬toe-puffs and buttresses‭.‬

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