Italian Converter

Fabrics and finishes for High Fashion

Out of the ordinary fabrics


For over 25 years, the Italian Converter company, through an alchemy that combines know-how, research, and cutting-edge technologies, has been creating innovative and customised fabrics for the biggest names in Luxury. Innovation, excellence, and sustainability are the three cornerstones on which the company's activities revolve and which inspire the R&D department to develop special materials and new technologies.


Choosing the best raw materials and transforming them through a vast range of finishing, laminating, 3D embossing, and high-definition printing, the company creates out of the ordinary fabrics, built around the client’s desire. Among the Italian Converter company's challenges is to offer products and services increasingly oriented towards global sustainability.


From this vision, 2017 saw the birth of the E.C.O. KOSMOS collection, constantly expanded every year: a new generation of fabrics created exclusively with certified materials and processes, the result of the Italian Converter company's journey towards an ethical turning point from an economic, social, and environmental point of view.

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