Crisden srl

Making room for young people and in-company training


The Crisden company began 2024 by obtaining its ISO 14001 environmental certification and ISO 45001 safety certification. It has also renewed its employee benefit plan for another three years. For almost 50 years, the Emilia-based company has specialised in the design, industrialisation, and production of leather accessories - including belts, gifting, trims, and leather charms -and has dedicated itself to experimentation and the continuous search for new solutions. Among the latest applications explored for the world of giftware is a new creative technique that mixes 3D moulding and covering processes used in the automotive sector. 



The Crisden company’s focus is on young people and in-company training through specific courses for both incumbent and new employees. Thanks to ad hoc modules designed for each department, external consultants aim to enhance knowledge and technical skills in cutting, sewing, and gluing. The company believes in the reinforcement of specialised manpower to support the in-house production workroom, where exclusive projects and special creations are concentrated. The Crisden company is also moving towards energy independence at a fast pace, with the implementation of new photovoltaic systems in addition to the existing ones.

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