Crisden srl

Design and production of leather accessories

Choose Crisden 


What does it mean to choose Crisden? «Research and innovation are the soul of the company - say the owners - quality manufacturing and the ability to interpret designs are our savoir-faire. Modelling, knowledge of materials, and the variety of products (belts, gifting, trims, leather charms) expand the opportunity of working with us».


Choosing Crisden also means being able to draw from a historical archive of over 40,000 models dating from the 1970s onwards: an invaluable creative heritage. The Crisden company is history but also environmental sustainability thanks to a 190 Kw/h photovoltaic plant that meets 78% of the energy needs of the eighty-five-employee production facility based in Reggio Emilia. «We constantly invest in 4.0 Industry machinery - the company owners explain - and we push hard on in-house training for young people, thanks also to an ad hoc atelier.


All this is also supported by funding scholarships for deserving students from the best international fashion academies». Finally, choosing Crisden means relying on almost entirely female workers - «who express - the owners conclude - a prestigious know-how that is the basis of our business».

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