Mastek s.r.l.

Environmental policies and 'smart factory' projects

Mastek's challenges for the future to keep up with the evolution of the market


Giving importance to environmental issues and implementing a series of measures consistent with respect for the environment. The "green" commitment of Mastek, a leading company in the production and sale of adhesives for various industrial sectors with a tailor-made approach, dates back a long way.


A commitment that has translated, just to give an example, in the choice to implement a photovoltaic system to minimize CO2 emissions or the use of recycled cardboard boxes for packaging. The company's "green" manifesto is the Fixekó® line of water-based adhesives, created to limit the use of solvents and reduce their emission into the atmosphere. The line also includes specific products for leather goods.


For the future, there are many projects based on the 'smart factory' model. For example, with the 'Smart Mastek System' project, the company intends to introduce process innovation in production following the 'Industry 4.0' paradigm and guaranteeing the eco-sustainability of production. The aim is to become an agile company, able to easily adapt production to the changing needs of the context.

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