Studio Auriga

360 degrees of technical excellence for the world of industrial embroidery


The company specialises in Tajima industrial embroidery machinery - a Japanese manufacturer - of which it has been a partner for over 40 years.  That between Studio Auriga and Tajima is a relationship oriented towards the distribution of embroidery machinery and a solid, long-lasting relationship between two companies that make innovation and the desire to go beyond what has already been achieved their raison d’être. Another fundamental collaboration is the one between Studio Auriga and its clients - embroidery manufacturers: the needs of the brands are taken on board and transferred to the partner while Tajima transforms them into highly technological industrial machinery: qualitative, reliable, performing, and versatile.



The company specialises in machinery, software. and threads for embroidery. Among the services offered thanks to its partnership with Tajima, Studio Auriga offers clients an all-round consultancy for high quality textile decoration. It is also very active in training - through AurigaAcademy - and in technical assistance and spare parts supply - through Auriservice. Among its best-selling products is the Tajima PAX, an innovative, high-performance and multifunctional all-in-one machine, capable of performing drilling, stitching, and embroidery operations, even on thick materials such as leather, eco-leather, microfibre suede, and other fine materials in the fashion, leather goods, and luxury automotive interior sectors. 

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