C Project srl

From a sketch to footwear with innovative technologies

Design and production of CAD-CAM models and size development 

Back in 1987, Marcello Castignani started the activity of size development for footwear models. From this experience, the C Project company was founded in Porto Sant’Elpidio (FM), specialised in the CAD-CAM design of models for women's, men's, and children's footwear.

Starting from input provided by the client (both Italian and foreign luxury brands, and small local manufacturers and designers), the company, a point of reference for footwear manufacturers in the Fermo-Maceratese district, independently manages projects from their inception right up to the confirmation of prototypes for trade fairs and exhibitions.

Based on the prototype, made using different construction techniques (assembled, tubular, goodyear, etc.), the C Project company then proceeds with size development that enables the client to put their footwear into production. Digital modelling of the footwear guarantees speed and precise service, all in the utmost confidentiality.

On request, the C Project company can provide consultancy directly at the client’s premises.

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