Ricamificio Essemme

Green energy for embroidery, quilting, and special processes for leather goods, footwear and apparel


Not just embroidery. The R&D office is paramount to the company: here, new processes and stylistic proposals take shape, thanks to investments in machinery and high-profile personnel. The aim is to maintain a high rate of innovation and experimentation - while maintaining an artisanal approach - also thanks to the intertwining of expertise with external companies specialised in different fields. The Ricamificio Essemme company offers a top service by managing some of the leather goods processing phases in-house, to streamline and speed up the entire production process, and guarantee a better end result. The Ricamificio Essemme company, with an A++ green energy structure, cares about sustainability and dedicates part of its sample collection to eco-sustainable processing.



The Ricamificio Essemme company specialises in the production of a wide range of high-end intermediate and special processes for the leather goods, footwear, and apparel sectors. Its core business is based on combining  embroidery-quilting and hybrid processing. From quilting to embroidery, from cornely embroidery to sequin/bead application, from inlays/patchwork to studs, to special processes.

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