AxL S.p.A. - Agenzia per il Lavoro

Personnel search and selection

In search of leather talent


Without a fast generational turnover, leather workmanship know-how is unfortunately at risk. We discussed this with Alessio Bennardo - Branch Manager of AxL Spa, which from its Florence branch deals with personnel search and selection for the entire fashion industry. From the tannery to leather goods sectors to the production of metal accessory sector, the AxL team selects profiles of skilled workers, apprentices, and administrators. An activity that is supported, where necessary, by strategic training for companies and professional outplacement paths for workers. 


What positions are among the most sought-after by companies in the leather sector at the moment?

There is a great demand for all kinds of workers. Leather goods companies come to us to find production workers such as cutters and skivers as well as prototyping, modelling, and product development personnel. Accessory companies, on the other hand, have a strong need for specialised workers for workshop and galvanic work, mechanical engineers, and designers.


What do you think are the critical issues in the leather goods industry?

There is a shortage on the market of qualified, experienced people to guarantee product quality. This is precisely why we carry out constant training to bring young people closer to the world of leather goods. Through 250-hour courses, we give trainees the chance to understand what it means to work in leather goods, allowing them to interface with experienced artisans, eager to pass their know-how on to young apprentices.

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