Schmid Spa

Supplying textiles and materials designed and manufactured for the footwear and leather goods industry

Textiles for Luxury fashion


The Schmid company is a historic textile converter based in Milan and founded in 1942 by the Swiss-German entrepreneur Walter Schmid. The company is currently owned by Cav. Lav. Mario Boselli, lawyer Giorgio Iacobone, and Valerio Baiardo. The Schmid company’s articles are proudly Made in Italy: «Complex fabrics made of tulle and netting with 70 per cent recycled nylon, which have a very high strength and colour stability are among our best sellers - explains CEO Valerio Baiardo - used for footwear and bags in the Luxury sector».  


The Schmid company’s historic supplier network brings together multiple competencies: «Product customisation is maximised; we combine several processes on the same product to meet each specific client request».  The constant search for innovative and sustainable materials is at the basis of the Schmid company’s success: «We also specialise in velvet and glitter - concludes Valerio Baiardo - and we have almost created an upcycling project to give new life to articles that have reached the end of their life cycle».  In this regard, the Schmid company is in the process of obtaining its GRS (Global Recycle Standard) certification for some textile products made from recycled materials.

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