Scatolificio SI.MA Srl

For over forty years a leader in the paper-transformation industry


In 1982, Bruno Castignani founded the Sima company with the production of shoe and leather goods boxes. With robust technological investments, state-of-the-art equipment, and qualified personnel, today the Sima company is a point of reference in the field of paper and luxury boxes.

The graphic design service accompanies its clients step by step in the creation of their packaging. Pick up of ordered products can be easily scheduled thanks to the availability of large warehouses and storage systems that can handle 800,000 products. Products that are also handled by a fleet of vehicles that distributes deliveries throughout the country and abroad.



Always close to ecological issues and sustainability, the Sima company manufactures its products with completely recyclable paper and cardboard. Between 2017 and 2021, it has implemented significant energy-saving measures through the installation of a 99.2 kWp photovoltaic system and the targeted replacement of lighting fixtures with LED solutions.

The adoption of renewable energy not only immediately addresses energy challenges, but also reflects an innovative corporate culture focused on cost reduction and environmental protection.

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