
Simac Tanning Tech


Simac Tanning Tech is the international event with the most qualified offer of machinery and technologies for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries, which takes place in Milan, concurrently with Lineapelle.

There are many services dedicated exclusively to the visitor, allowing greater enjoyment range of merchandise, ease in the movements, better planning of the stay during the exhibition and a wider range of entertainment in the city.


Simac Tanning Tech is the reference point for the international mechanical, a key event for the leather industry since 1973. The event is held in Milan and offers a great international visibility to sector companies and a wide accessibility to visitors from all over of the world.

Simac Tanning Tech promotes the sector, thanks to the concomitance with Lineapelle, to ensure operators and professionals a confrontation in which trace the future scenarios for footwear, leather goods and tanning economy. Do not miss the opportunity to be involved in a business opportunity so strategic for the sector.

This technology and innovation exhibition is also strongly international, thanks also to the many countries that sent 271 exhibitors (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and United Kingdom). 


Thanks to longstanding cooperation with the ITA, the event drew  25 foreign delegations, for a total of more than 150 foreign delegates,  from Algeria, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, India,  Indonesia, Iran, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Palestine, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, USA, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. There was also a delegation from Iraq, organised by UNIDO in collaboration with Confindustria and Assomac, plus delegates from  Nigeria,  Peru   and  India.

More info on the website
Link to visitor registration

Read the other news of February 2019

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