
The bilingual magazine, Italian and English, its A4 format, its processing and refined layout, has become the indispensable tool for producers and employees in the leather sector, professionally telling all aspects and the facets of the production universe Italian studded with reality compared to a skilful mix of artisanship and innovation.

A guide to stay up-to-date on the Italian realities, trends and works that characterize the genius of Made in Italy.

An effective meeting point between supply and demand.

A subscription to Leather & Luxury Magazine includes two issues per year, February and September.
All subscriptions will begin with the last issue of Leather & Luxury Magazine.



  • A4 format and approximately 250 pages per edition.
  • Scodix processing and ennobling of the magazine pages.
    Texts in Italian and English.
  • Subscription includes sending two editions, February and September.
  • The subscription will expire after the second mailing. There are no tacit renewals.
  • Discover the companies with which to develop your brand's collections.
  • Inside you will find brand fashion shows, colour and material trends and many in-depth articles to discover the peculiarities and realities of the fashion production chain, Made in ITALY.

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