
Master Craftsman and Bottega School to attract the younger generation




Aldo Cappetti is an entrepreneur of Romy Pelletterie Srl, of Castelfranco Piandiscò (AR), a company with a high rate of innovation and creativity, President of CNA Industria Arezzo, he is also the only leatherworker in the province of Arezzo to have obtained in 2013 the qualification of Master Craftsman issued by the Regional Commission for Craftsmanship Tuscany.


The Master Craftsman," intervenes Aldo Cappetti, "is the artisan entrepreneur in possession of a particular professional qualification and with skills such that he can transfer knowledge of the craft to others. Those who are Master Craftsmen can transform their workplace into a Bottega Scuola. "Master Craftsman" and "Bottega Scuola" are registered trademarks for quality craftsmanship. The Tuscany Region has approved a specification of use to enable us artisans to enhance and promote unique techniques and know-how. In fact, to obtain the "Master Craftsman" qualification, one must have at least ten years of experience, certified and recognized through the achievement of awards, diplomas or certificates. The candidate then, must also be able to teach the craft, to know how to pass on their art to their students. The figure of the Master Craftsman is of fundamental utility for the transmission of artisan knowledge, for not dispersing tradition, expertise and above all passion and also for countering the youth employment crisis. Recent estimates from Unioncamere's Excelsior database tell us that between 80 and 90 thousand workers will be missing from the national fashion system between now and 2026. We are talking about about 10,000 workers needed in the short term due to the turnover of personnel leaving due to retirement, with further need for workers for the positions being created on the wave of the innovation and evolution process in the sector. Without synergistic action, we will find ourselves with an entrepreneurial system lacking a future: the risk is the loss of the value of the know-how that makes made in Italy an excellence globally. The Master Craftsman qualification with the tool of the Bottega Scuola," Cappetti stressed, "can become channels of attraction to new generations. I have the utmost respect for educational and university institutions and I consider their role in the cultural formation of young people to be fundamental. But when one enters the company, he must be willing to understand a world that is new to him and thus regenerate himself. He brings with him a wealth of notions that are undoubtedly interesting, but he must understand, first and foremost, the concreteness and beauty of doing, of seeing his projects realized and not just written down. We Master Craftsmen are a real engine of the real economy, solid, modern people, masters of "knowing" and "knowing how to do," above all attentive to the quality and ethics of our productions and able to transmit to young people not only our skills, but also and above all our passion for work "done well." In sectors such as Fashion, this is indispensable if we are to get ahead of this still difficult economic period. Over the years, Cappetti and the Romy Pelletterie have made quality, style and image the key features of a business that can count on 25 employees and an induced supply chain of more than 100 operating units. And if the crisis bites everyone, it hurts less those who focus on excellence. And, above all, to those who manage to stand on international markets alongside a brand.



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