
Innovation, creativity and sustainable technologies by Ramponi




Over the years, the Carbonate (CO) company has become an international leader in the production and application of stones, ABS studs and synthetic crystals for fashion accessories, patenting-among others-the well-known Taglio Ramponi®. In 1988, a passion for the world of stones and minerals led Alfredo Ramponi to create the first synthetic crystal, so called because of its use of noble plastics and its ability to express all the characteristics of gemstones.


Mr. Ramponi, innovation plays a key role for you. Tell me about Taglio Ramponi® and the innovations it has brought with it.


Alfredo Ramponi: "I have always had a passion for mineralogy and gemology, hence my dream of producing synthetic stones and crystals in the field of fashion accessories. Taglio Ramponi® was conceived as a result of an in-depth study of the ancient art of diamond processing, that is, the ability to transform rough stone into a precious object. Made of polymethylmethacrylate, our synthetic crystal (protected by international patent since 2006) is distinguished by a pavilion in which the facet acquires superior refraction and brilliance compared to other stones, thanks to the external facets that add up to concave internal facets. This particular brilliance, combined with lightness, has enabled us to create original custom-made decorations for footwear, clothing and accessories, exclusively and covered by a confidentiality agreement if the customer requests it. Our relentless efforts have brought us success that is renewed from season to season: high-fashion labels especially appreciate our creativity and our keeping up with - and sometimes anticipating - fashion trends. All this would not be possible, however, without a high component of craftsmanship and dexterity of our staff and the work of our in-house Style Department in synergy with the Research & Development Department.


How does the company's production fit in with your philosophy of sustainability?


"Respect for the environment and people as well as transparency in our operations are founding values for Ramponi both in the production processes-all ISO 9001 and 18001 certified-and in the finished product, guaranteeing its safety. This is why a code of conduct containing the company's "Sustainability Guidelines" has been voluntarily prepared since 2015, updated in 2022 with a new Code of Ethics, a Sustainability Report and an Environmental Policy in line with new international instances, which brings attention to energy conservation and the use of alternative energies (solar panels, energy-saving lighting, the latest generation of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly machinery) and also indicates protocols to avoid wasting natural resources through the use of recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable, petrolatum-free materials. We have therefore been introducing accessories made of environmentally sustainable materials into our product catalog for a few years now. In addition, applying the principles of circular economy, we reintroduce about 80% of the waste material back into production cycles. The small part of residual material, is given to companies capable of using it as second-rate material. Of great importance then is the control that Ramponi carries out on its suppliers about their compliance with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability of their activities, thus also raising awareness of the production chain and guaranteeing the end customer a product that meets high standards not only of quality but also of ethicality."


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