
Power of Leather by Deni_C




Denisa aka 'Deni_C' is one of the upcoming fashion bloggers on Instagram. Her profile is growing steadily and currently reaches a community of over 35 thousand followers. Denisa is based in Paris and spreads the culture of leather fashion and the benefits of its use, a true personal empowerment that can change an individual's life. Denisa therefore calls herself a 'Leather Lifestyle Queen' who gives advice and consultancy so that people can feel valued through leather as a lifestyle. All this experience in 2022 became a book: "Power of Leather", nineteen stories explaining how practical and exciting it is to wear leather to stand out and feel empowered.


Denisa, from online blog to printed paper: how did the idea of a book come about?


«The initial impulse came from my followers. When I started gathering a number of people on my social profiles, many of them often kept asking me questions like: 'Why do you wear leather? What are your motivations? Where do you buy your clothes?" Therefore, I thought of summarising all these answers in a book that would tell the whole story of how I started wearing leather clothes. A collection of stories about how I became a "Leather Lifestyle Queen" for my community».


Will there be a second volume of "Power of Leather"?


«I developed and wrote the book in the record time of just seven months. It has been one of the best experiences of my life so far, but I have not planned any sequels because 'Power of Leather' is simply perfect as it is. It tells the story of my journey towards 'leather empowerment' and there is nothing more to say about that. In a few years, however, I would like to write a book about the phase of my life preceding what I have recounted in these pages. Over the years I have experienced some toxic relationships and suffered abuse of various kinds. Wearing leather clothes for me has become like an armour that protects me and makes me stronger. It has really changed my life. So, in the future, my goal is to spread more and more ideas and culture that can help and make people aware through this passion of mine».


What’s your relationship with social media and how it affected your life?


«The purpose had nothing to do with being famous. It came all very naturally and that’s how I discovered the real power of leather. Firstly I discovered how it made me feel to wear it and then I aknowledged how others reacted to it. Leather helped me to get closer to people, specifically men. What I’m doing is helping individuals to understand the feelings associated with leather; so I do consultations with couples or individuals, mostly men. About the socials today, I try to react to what people need to know in order to make them powerful and aware. Through social networks I discover men's feelings, frustrations and fears, but also how rare is what I do and how I do it.I might not have millions of followers, but I am happy to stay in my "super niche" and keep developing my company of business development and lifestyle consultancy.


You have made the power of leather a lifestyle, but in general, there is still a lot of misinformation about the sustainability of this raw material. What do you think about it?


«First of all, it's essential to catch people's attention. Get the message right in a way that everyone can understand. For example, I am fortunate to work with Leather Naturally, an organization that does an excellent job of spreading the word about the virtues of leather. Unfortunately, however, they still don't get the attention they deserve. It is difficult to be both informative and attractive and I am constantly thinking about how I can use my network in an incisive way.I found a way to combine both recently though, by launching leather roses that are made from leftovers that would be thrown away otherwise. It’s a creative way to manage style, beauty and sustainability. I also provide home decoration such as pillow covers, table cloth etc..everything made to measure, with the option to make it from leftovers. I am convinced that it is basic to tell and explain everything in detail in order to be as understandable as possible to the public. This is also true in my profession, I work as a consultant focusing on leather fashion. Part of my job is to help companies with the transparency and the communication of the origin of the raw material, certification of its traceability and its ethical processing. This mission is now a must for every brand, whoever does not act like this, is going to be soon out of the market». 


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