Metal accessories, components and galvanic solutions

In this section you will find the Italian excellences in chemical and galvanic metalworking and the most esteemed companies in the production, soldering and assembly of metal accessories and decorations.

High quality chemical and galvanic processes are essential for the Luxury industry: combining resistance and elegance is an added value that now characterizes Luxury production in high fashion, leather goods, and footwear.

Other processes also require the same attention, in order to guarantee a final product worthy of the great Made in Italy tradition: from accessory design to the customization of ornamental costume jewellery; from the creation of leather and synthetic semi-finished products to the production of chains, buckles and buttons; from the application of small metal parts to the selection of components such as rhinestones, eyelets, zippers and studs.

The section includes many companies capable of providing nickel free treatments, thus reconciling environmental sustainability with the highest quality workmanship.

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