Service companies for leather sector
This section is aimed at professionals or companies that need an assorted range of services to complete and optimize their production activities. Here you can find companies mainly specialized in packing, product packaging, customized adhesive tape, the design and manufacturing of dies, the supply of industrial furniture and integrated hardware and software solutions designed for the footwear, tannery and leather goods sectors. A complete palette of Made in Italy services for Made in Italy.
1611 Srl
Industrial millinery for high fashion and luxury
Istrana (TV)
Antilotex Flock Italia
Production of flocked materials and fabric finishing
Prato (PO)
AxL S.p.A. - Agenzia per il Lavoro
Personnel search and selection
Firenze (FI)
Bartoli Packaging
Production of luxury boxes and logoed and customised packaging
Monsummano Terme (PT)
BC Servizi
Robotic wax pre-casting of stones
Arezzo (AR)
Black Star srl
Telling the story of companies with eco-friendly settings and stands
Campi Bisenzio (FI)
C&G Depurazione Industriale srl
Sustainable technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater and the recovery of water as a raw/secondary material
Rignano sull'Arno (FI)
Chemistry for tanning, re-tanning and finishing
Capanne - Montopoli Valdarno (PI)
Cipriani Couture s.r.l.
LUXURY FASHION / Product Development & Supply Chain Director
Scandicci (FI)
Packaging at the service of aesthetics and sustainability
Barletta (BT)
Deateq s.r.l.
CREATORS of sustainability
Firenze (FI)
Dermacolor srl
Tanning and re-tanning chemicals
Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)
Artisanship, research and development for leather and fabric laminations and precision machining
San Miniato Basso (PI)
Software and hardware solutions
Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)
F.lli Magro Srl
A family story of fine papers and success.
Vigonovo (VE)
Fashion Room
Research products for fashion and design
Firenze (FI)
Fedrigoni SpA
Sustainability, integrity, and beauty: this is the Fedrigoni recipe for luxury packaging
Verona (VR)
Fromm Imballaggio srl
Innovative machinery and systems for transport packaging
San Gimignano (SI)
GEA Soft
Management software footwear, leather goods, and fashion accessory companies
Traversa (LU)
Giardini Group Srl
The new glossy rib effect
Civitanova Marche (MC)
Giviesse s.r.l.
Female professionalism
San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
GSC group spa
Chemical products for the tanning industry
Montebello Vicentino (VI)
LBS Luxury Brand Services
Leaf Foundation, continuing the journey towards the promotion of more sustainable and ethical production processes in the Luxury sector
Prato (PO)
Litografia Eurograf srl
Lithographic printing for high fashion
Sant’Elpidio a Mare (FM)
LR etichette
Production of barcode labels for footwear, leather goods, and apparel
Poggibonsi (SI)
Mannucci packaging
New spaces and machinery
Empoli (FI)
Masca Progetto Borsa srl
Creating with the clients
Treviolo (BG)
Mastek s.r.l.
Environmental policies and 'smart factory' projects
Lecce (LE)
ML Engraving srl
Shaping products with laser engraving
Onore (BG)
Morresi Enzo & C. s.r.l.
Paper goods and high-tech box factory
Pollenza (MC)
Gliding your hands over the intricacies of high fashion is an art
Ponticelli di Santa Maria a Monte (PI)
Oropress Spa
Innovative solutions for print enhancement
Cormano (MI)
OT-Las Srl
Laser cutting systems for leather goods, footwear, and apparel
Calenzano (FI)
Paimex Srl
The culture of fabric packaging that enhances the beauty and excellence of high-end products.
Cerreto Guidi (FI)
Par-Tec Spa
Hi-tech (but tailor-made) solutions for the 4.0 Industry
Milano (MI)
PrincipIA tech
Cutting-edge software solutions for footwear and leather goods production
Montecalvoli, Santa Maria a Monte (PI)
Project Srl
Thirty Years of Commitment and Dedication to Creating Spaces That Inspire
Z.I. Pian dei Peschi - Poggibonsi (SI)
Publiesse Technique s.r.l.
The Creative Culture since 1976
Ancona (AN)
Managing Quality Control
Scandicci (FI)
Romani Francesco
Aeraulic, vacuum, and industrial air conditioning systems
Serravalle Pistoiese (PT)
Sacchettificio Toscano
For a stronger and more competitive supply chain
Cerreto Guidi (FI)
Scatolificio Mi.Ste.Ri Box Srl
Customisation, the key to marketing
Fermo (FM)
Scatolificio Porciani & Bianchi srl
Production of boxes and personalized packaging
Settimello (FI)
Scatolificio San Maurizio S.r.l.
Scatolificio San Maurizio, un important fabricant de boîtes à chaussures et d'accessoires de luxe
Carinaro (CE)
Scatolificio SI.MA Srl
For over forty years a leader in the paper-transformation industry
Morrovalle (MC)
Second Life Srl
Transforming Waste into Resources for Ethical, Responsible, and Sustainable Fashion
Sant’Agata de’ Goti (BN)
Selin Srl
Waste management and disposal, and environmental consulting
Calenzano (FI)
SIAF s.r.l.
The learning Village in Tuscany
Volterra (PI)
Sued srl
Integrated hardware and software solutions for the tanning and footwear sectors
Santa Croce sull'Arno (PI)
Tesisquare s.p.a.
Global Cites
Roreto di Cherasco (CN)
Tranceria STP
Leather cutting by hand and cad
Legnaro (PD)