
Isem Packaging Group: 'New acquisitions for a stronger and more competitive supply chain'



In a luxury market, which is increasingly organized into large groups, the supply chain also needs to structure itself, in order to protect made in Italy and move globally. This is the philosophy that guided the deal by which, last September, Isem Packaging Group acquired Sacchettificio Toscano (fine fabric bags), adding its expertise to that of Isem (luxury rigid boxes), Grafiche Bramucci (cartons for cosmetics and luxury sector) and Industrial Pack (packaging for high-quality products made in Italy).


"We acquired Sacchettificio Toscano at the end of September 2023," explains Francesco Pintucci, Ceo of Isem Packaging Group, a benefit company since last June. "A step that represents a historic change for the company, which has become part of a larger group, aiming to work with a management model and industrial processes in line with international standards and with a strong focus on environmental and social sustainability issues: variables typical of large groups. After all, we are reckoning with an industry whose business is increasingly driven by a strong focus on sustainability, health and safety issues: it is therefore increasingly important to ensure control and monitoring of the supply chain."


The ambition is to evolve the company, expanding its certifications to guarantee an approach set on environmental and social sustainability. "By 2025 we plan to develop the 231 Model by appointing a Supervisory Board composed of external professionals specializing in issues such as health and safety, as in all the other realities of the group, and certify the company B-Corp," an international certification on the subject of sustainability that originated in the U.S., "an all-round commitment that promotes inclusive, equitable and regenerative socioeconomic models, looking as much at the planet as at people's well-being. We were one of the first groups in the luxury secondary packaging sector to have it; being a B Corp and a Benefit Corporation means going beyond the canonical business model, adopting an approach in which generating value for the community, employees and suppliers is at the heart of every single one of our business initiatives. We aim to sew on Sacchettificio Toscano a suit in line with the strategies declared by the luxury market."


The Group pursues the strategy of an industrialized player capable of adequately supplying the luxury segment. "We consider it crucial to manage the supply chain issue: it is necessary to consolidate Italian savoir faire, which is highly sought after abroad, by pushing toward an industrial evolution. The goal is to reduce the risk for the luxury market, in which there is an increasing tendency for the emergence of structured groups, to interface with a fragmented supply chain: having a single interlocutor is a guarantee of greater efficiency and reliability in service; at the same time, putting together more Italian excellences means making them stronger, able to measure themselves against competitors at the global level."

Read the other news of April 2024

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